Digital Readiness Assessment

Many automation/ digital transformation projects fail because organizations try to deploy new technology without understanding the quality of the current data and how their work processes and systems interact. Regardless of whether you are just starting or are struggling to scale your proof of concepts, we can provide with the insight needed for your digital transformation roadmap to succeed. In a nutshell, we will:

  • Review your current digital strategy, work processes, skills, and data fidelity
  • Assess alignment between business and digital strategies
  • Assess people readiness
  • Provide insight into broader process and skills impacts and how to address them

Digital Organizational Design

The increasing use of digital technology and automation has created the need to re-assess traditional organizational designs, operational work processes, and HR processes. These processes need to be reviewed and updated for an organization to be relevant and successful in this new era where humans and machines co-exist and are expected to work in harmony.

We will collaborate with your teams to help you design the organization of the future:

  • Innovative org designs allowing increased collaboration
  • Redesigned job descriptions and work processes to optimize human/ technology interactions
  • New KPIs to measure productivity and effectiveness in a digital organization
  • Change Management Strategy for introducing new technology
  • Identify new skill needs
  • Redesigned training delivery using virtual and augmented reality